
スイカズラ科スイカズラ属の落葉低木で、学名は Lonicera gracilipes。英名はありません。
"Yama-uguisu-kagura" (Lonicera gracilipes) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a small deciduous tree that is distributed southward from southern Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. This tree grows in montane woodlands and can reach about 2 m in height. The leaves are obovate to broad elliptic, entire and opposite. It is defined by sparse hairs on the leaves, branchlets or peduncles. The pale rose-pink flowers droop from the axils of new branches in April. The corolla is slender funnel-shaped and divided into 5 lobes at the tips. The fruits ripen in red in June, they are sweet and edible.
[上・中1] 栃木県藤岡町「三毳山公園」にて、2008年03月29日撮影。 [中2・中3] 群馬県富士見村「赤城ふれあいの森」にて、2008年04月27日撮影。 [中4〜5・下] 宮城県仙台市太白区「仙台市野草園」にて、2018年04月04日撮影。