
スイカズラ科タニウツギ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Weigela floribunda。英名はありません。
"Yabu-utsugi" (Weigela floribunda) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is an endemic species of Japan and distributed westward from Yamanashi prefecture to the Pacific Ocean Side of Honshu and Shikoku. This tree grows in sunny places of mountains and can reach about 4 m in height. The barks are gray-brown to gray-black and furrowed longitudially. The leaves are elliptic to broad elliptic with acute tips and fine toothed edges, and arranged in opposite. The dark rose pink to Spanish wine, 2-3 flowers bloom in terminal branches and axils from May to June. The corolla is funnel-shaped and quintuple-lobate at the tips.
スイス・ベルン州グリンデルワルトにて、2008年06月17日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)